FAQ - I Should Be Able To Build Wherever, Whenever and Whatever I want.
- Please take a moment to read the answers in the FAQ list.
- OCPs and Zoning Bylaws are plans that open the Village up to funding opportunities, support economic development, and provide assurance to residents and developers that everyone is working from the same "play book".
- The Village’s OCP and Zoning Bylaw was developed with mayor and council, with community input.
- OCPs and Zoning Bylaw are not written in stone. They can be changed or "amended" as circumstances change and grow in the Village.
- There is always an opportunity for residents to challenge an existing Zoning Bylaw and Official Community Plan through a formal appeal process or, worse case scenario, the courts. During the formal Zoning Bylaw review process, however, it’s best to keep your ears open for any community meeting dates and participate in community meetings to have your voice heard, either in person, by email or formal letter or presentation to council. And don’t be shy to talk with your councillor, that’s what they’re there for.